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A Wiener & Company Expand Semi-Mounts Range

The semi-set collection, available in 18 carat yellow and white gold, includes designs that can be set with round or fancy shaped centre stones of a variety of sizes.

"This expanded range adds a point of difference to our already extensive selection of diamond jewellery," said A. Wiener Managing Director, Brian Wiener.

A. Wiener's extensive collection includes 18 carat gold bracelets, earrings, pendants, necklaces and brooches in both diamond and coloured stone designs; illusion set jewellery; and a comprehensive selection of round and princess cut, stud earrings and solitaire pendants.

A Wiener and Company
Phone: 1800 337 400
Fax: (03) 9650 9930

What's Hot

Gogoanna-Gems: Under New Management but it's Business as Usual

Consultant Gemmologist, Danny Vartanian, the new Managing Director of Gogoanna-Gems is committed to retaining the complete range of products and services established by the company over the past twenty years.

"Having worked with Pamela Regan-Fox for more than three years, I fully understand the attention to detail and commitment to excellence that defines Gogoanna-Gems and underpins its success," he said.

Operating from new premises in King Street, Sydney, the company remains sensitive to industry trends and has plans to further expand their selection of beads, pearls and gemstones to meet the needs of an ever-changing market.

Phone: (02) 9233 3003
Email: info@gogoanna-gems.com.au
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Ironclay Jewellery: Contemporary Designs Honour Ancient Traditions

Ironclay Jewellery has introduced the Australian market to a unique collection of Mexican silver jewellery.

The range has been hand crafted by one of Mexico's finest silversmiths using ancient techniques. Organic, contemporary and traditional design elements combine to distinguish the collection.

"The range features organic materials as well as organic designs," said Ironclay founder, Adriana Corti. "We have incorporated rosewood and other natural elements to make the collection warm, uplifting and distinctive."

Ironclay Jewellery
Phone: (02) 9968 4682
Email: sales@ironclay.com

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